Keith Gramila

Must carry two of everything

May 31, 2021

Back to trail…… with two bear cans! Cause of the rules You have to carry a bear can through the Sierras (a bear can is a plastic tub that bears can’t open and holds your food, Google it) people complain about and hate carrying them cause they’re two pounds of dead weight you have to carry…….. so I got two of them lol I’m a dummy but it’s a funny flex (unless my knees explode that’d be bad) also I carry a bunch of food and to follow the rules I need to carry two… That’s not totally true everyone else does the trail with one so could I 😑 meh

Hiked to our first alpine lake….. didn’t know those existed (probably gonna make another post with the same joke but a better picture so be ready for that)

It’s ramblins birthday soon so sand witch and I packed out a Coca-Cola. It was in my backpack for less than a day and it was exploded lol woops coke got on some of the stuff in my bag. Had to run to the alpine lake to clean my things before the sun went down (oh yeah this is not in chronological order good luck reading and following along, I appreciate the effort you put into each post!) Was able to clean all the sugar mess off but wasn’t able to dry it so I’ll have to hang at this lake tomorrow till it dries…. ohhhh nooooo (that was said sarcastically)

K goodnight (lol I’m typing this five days later like it’s live… I’m sorry to ruin the dream)

Keith at a lake

Thing of the day:

Totd: when we got back to trail there was a park ranger stamping permits with the date (the pct permit only allows you to take so long in the Sierras and this is a way they keep track of that) it came up that I had two bear cans and she wrote on my permit “extra credit for two bear cans” boom flex is validated by the forest people