Keith Gramila

Road walk went way better than last one

May 4, 2021

Got breakfast from an amazing place. Don’t remember the name so sorry restaurant the keithgramila dot com fans won’t know how amazing you were. Also got mimosa and an Irish coffee was everything I wanted. Left the restaurant and immediately started a 12 ish mile road walk!!! Wooooooo CARS!!! Yeah! I listened to Rasputin and danced like a dummy was fun. I wonder if I was over compensating cause I was worried about the mental tole of the road walk? Idk but probably 

Made it through the road walk fairly quickly and with minimal “minds eye accidents” which was waaaaaay better than the last road walk. Slack packed the last miles cause a section hiker that is finished up the section was driving around giving out trail magic and took our packs to the end. Told some stories of my past… way too many of them involve heavily drinking. Oh well.

Made it to “Hiker town” I love it here just a bunch of hikers hanging out! 

Totd: rah rah Rasputin lover of the Russian queen  some other words I listened to that song most of the day fun fun
