Twistingly good views
Mar 25, 2021
Twisted my ankle today “ouch” …… twice “ouch” … does a double ouch make a okay? Like a double negative? I gotta be more careful on those downhills when it’s muddy. It’s muddy cause of the hail remember the hail I’ll never forget the hail.
Other than that today was good gotta wait till Sunday to get to Julian just I got all the time in the world. Got to camp around 1:30 took a nap read a lot then started catching up on these updates cause I have service. I was hanging out for hours with perfect weather now it’s real windy and storm clouds keep teasing me………. oh no that’s what happened last night with the hail!!
Still high spirits nothing bad beside the ankle thing, so far so good!
Total miles: 47.8
Polenta with cherries and granola
Not much ate some handfuls of trail mix but that’s it sat down to eat but wasn’t hungry
Tortellini and tuna.... together of course